Klipper on an Anet A6 with RAMPS1.4 and dual extruder with a single nozzle
What is Klipper? And why would you move away from Marlin? Klipper is a 3d-Printer firmware. It combines the power of a general purpose computer with one or more micro-controllers. While I did not have any issues with Marlin, in fact I think it is a very well maintained and stable firmware for most printers, I liked the approach Klipper takes. Marlin is the whole firmware, you don’t need anything else to run your printer. Your Printer Mainboard holds the firmware and does the heavy lifting. Usually these mainboards are powered by a microcontroller, often a simple 8-bit MCU like an Arduino Mega. These boards have limited RAM and limited flash size, so especially on older boards, you can not activate all features of Marlin, as they simply do not fit the flash. Usually that’s not a problem. ...