Who am I?
My background is in systems engineering. After completing my apprenticeship, I decided to focus on Linux system administration, which quickly led me to adopt a DevOps mindset. When I joined a startup, my role and responsibilities evolved rapidly, shifting from maintaining remote on-premise systems with unreliable connections to building and managing cloud-native workloads on AWS.
Always eager to learn new methodologies, embrace new technologies, and reflect on my role within a larger system (whether within a company, team, or community), I eventually took on a leadership position. This role allows me to support and empower a group of highly motivated and skilled individuals to tackle daily challenges, learn new skills, and improve existing ones.
In recent years, I’ve increasingly focused on serverless workloads in combination with Event-Driven Architecture (EDA). EventStorming by Alberto Brandolini (I highly recommend his master class!) has proven to be an excellent and intuitive framework for understanding complex challenges and breaking down silos. I also follow Yan Cui, who consistently shares valuable insights and reinforces the fundamentals of successful EDA on serverless platforms. He offers a fantastic course to get started with serverless, which I also highly recommend.
Why am I writing another tech blog?
Tinkering with systems is still a huge hobby of mine, so this blog is my way of documenting what I did, and maybe give inspiration to someone else. While leadership and corporate IT now became the majority of my job, I needed a space to go “back to the roots”. I hope you enjoy the information you find here.
I am trying to cover the topics which aren’t already covered over and over on medium and/or I had a hard time to get up and running by the information or documentation provided.
Contact me if you find any mistakes. Nobody’s perfect.